Wednesday 18 March 2009

Mish mash*

*Or, I can't think of anything even vaguely profound to write today so here, have some silly photos and a button.

I worked on some jewellery this morning, made some tea, made lunch for my poppet who is once again working across the road, made a cuppa because birni said we should, read some blog posts and cried and laughed and grieved along with you, made tea, thought of George, put some washing out (oops forgot it, it's still outside in the dark, oh-well-never-mind-ay) checked to see if the seeds I planted yesterday had germinated (no) made more tea, peed on a get-ready-for-emergency-sex stick** (no)... you see, not a terribly exciting day. What to blog about?

So Ray shared I stole two of Ray's photos today from our trip to Glastonbury. I do so love having my photo taken***.

Look at me look at me look at me!
Getting in the way of Ray trying to take photos of old buildings,
sheesh, I need your attention more than a pile of old bricks.

And, almost preternatural in it's accuracy before-the-fact,
this is the face you will see when when when we get those two lines.
Imagine a hand holding up a peed-on-stick and you just about have it.

And no that's not a bad 80's Human League stylee lopsided haircut, I have one side tucked behind my ear. And it was very windy at the top of that hill. And it was a bit frizzy that day.****

And finally, if anyone would like to put my brand-new-made-today shop button on their blog just copy the code here and stick it somewhere in your sidebar and there you are. And if you don't want to I won't be at all offended. Not a bit. Nope*****. (first batch posted yesterday morning!) And I revamped my shop's banner so you might want to scoot on over for a look!

**I seem to have developed an-uncontrollable-urge to hyphenate-every-word-I-can.
***blatant lie
****excellent bad hair day excuses
*****not a blatant lie


  1. Thanks-for-letting-me-start-my-day with-a-good-old-fashioned-belly-laugh-Barb.

  2. Great Smile, Great Hair!!
    The Tiny moments code didn't work for me, so I saved the picture, and your button is now posted proudly on the sidebar of my blog.

  3. Accckk!!! Hilarious! Thank you so much for sharing your (Ray's!) photos - they really made me smile. Hope you have a reason to make that face again soon :)

  4. You're-very-welcome-Sally!

    I just fixed the code, and tested it, and pulled a bit of frizzy hair out, but it works now!

    Thank you Martha!

  5. Loved it! Loved the photos, and the humour. You make me smile :-)


    p.s. have added the button!

  6. Fantastic post! Thanks so much for making me laugh. I also loved the pictures. Your button is going on my blog right after I leave here!

    Also, Would you be ok with me mentioning you on my blog? I would just use your blog name, and only link to you if it's ok. Could you email me and let me know?
    If you don't want me to, of course it's perfectly ok! I am just working on a post about the support and strength I have found through blogging. Thanks!

  7. Love the photos. Love the smiles!

  8. Two Pink Lines Photo......


    I am so going to get that printed out to go on my desk! You are beautiful Barb - You constantly make me laugh. You are a bright light for all of us! I wish I lived closer. I wish I wish I wish!

    Thank you for making me smile :) My kids loved the photo - Scarlett was trying to pull the same face. I know it will make Sam smile when he comes home from hospital!

    Love you!

    Carly x

  9. Love it. Sometimes we need the light and funny! I adore your sense of humor! I will glady add your "button" to my blog! Thanks for the smile.

  10. Who's that funny face in the pics? Who?

    Nice to see those pics!

    And love the new look of TMPJ!

  11. I have added to button to my blog! I LOVE it, and I hope you don't mind but I also added it as a link to "Whispered Support."
    Great pics, they made me laugh out loud!

  12. Ooh, I like your new button...and of course it's on my blog! I get giddy every time I see Logan's tag in your pictures! I love that you post all of these pictures. Yesterday was my first picture post, I thought of you when I did it.

  13. Thank you everyone! And thank you everyone who added my button.
    Thank you!



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