And Welcome Micah to the world that has been waiting to love you.
"The current wording in the quick reference guide, which is specifically aimed at policy makers and midwifery staff states: “Do not routinely encourage mothers of infants who are stillborn or die soon after birth to see and hold the dead infant.” This is very different from the statement in the Full Clinical Guideline which reads ”women should not be encouraged to hold their dead baby if they do not wish to.”Can I take bets that they didn't talk to any babylost Mums or Dads about this?
My son died and was born on 20/11/08. I was 20 weeks and 5 days pregnant.
At a distressing and confusing time, I was encouraged to see and cuddle my baby, to have photos, hand and footprints taken and most importantly to say goodbye.
I am extremely grateful for this support and encouragement from the kind and compassionate medical staff at Torbay hospital.
What a cruel thing to think that taking away my only chance to see my only child would somehow be better for me.
Is it to save money?