Wednesday 30 June 2010

Little Poppet is lost

At the scan today there was no heartbeat.

Little Poppet measured about 8 weeks.

We are destroyed.


  1. I have no words. I have nausea, tears, heartbreak. Oh God. I am so sorry. I am utterly distraught for you. Please, please... if there is anything I can do...

    You are in my prayers and thoughts every second today. It is so unfair. I am furious at God, at the universe on your behalf.

  2. my dear, i'm so sorry. i have no words. thinking of you and wishing this life weren't so f*cked up and unfair. sending love.

  3. oh my, lovely, I am so sorry. xxx

  4. speechless. My heart breaks for you and Ray. No words will make you feel better. This is SO unfair. I just do not know what else to say... except for , we are all here for you..
    Poppet & George are together Barb, forever.
    I am so truly sorry.
    Hugs and love to you both

    Angel's Mummy xx

  5. Oh Barbara, I am so very very sorry. Thinking of you and Ray.

  6. Oh Barbara. I am so devastated for you. Thinking of you and sending you many hugs.

  7. Oh no, Barb.. oh, my friend. I'm so, so sorry to read your news of Little Poppet. Devastated for you, in every way possible. Thinking of you, and feeling some of what you're going through, after our own loss of little angel at 9 weeks earlier this year.
    Sending you and Ray much love as you farewell your Little Poppet... ♥

  8. i'm so sorry, sweetheart. so so so sorry. :(

  9. My heart aches for you, I know the feeling of having the joy and excitement of a dream finally coming true only to be ripped out from underneath you. You are in my thoughts and prayers for the strength to get through yet another difficult loss.

  10. There are know words to describe how devastated we are for you and Ray Barb. We are so sorry. We love you xxx

  11. I am so, so sorry Little Poppet is gone. I am sure you are both feeling utterly lost right now. My heart goes out to you both.

  12. I am so, so sorry. You are in my heart and prayers.

  13. oh no.
    oh no.
    oh barb.
    i really thought this would be the baby that got to live.

    sending love and hugs.
    i wish i could do more.

  14. I cannot cry enough tears right now. Barb, I am just so sorry. Holding both you and Ray in my heart. Little poppet was loved by all of us. xo

  15. Oh no... I'm so sorry for you guys. My heart goes out to you. Sending hugs your way...

  16. Oh no. I am so very, very sorry. x

  17. Oh Barb. I let out an audible scream upon reading your news. So much love to you & Ray

  18. Barb, there are no words.... unimaginable. I am so, so sorry.... xx

  19. I'm so sorry. I was hoping along with you and everyone else that this little poppet would grow into a big poppet baby....

    so, so, so sorry.


  20. No no no!

    My heart breaks for you Barb. I am so very sorry.

    This is so unfair.

    Thinking of you and Ray

  21. Oh no, Barbara. I am so very sorry and that seems, faced with the magnitude of what you have been and are going through, so inadequate.

    May you feel in some small way, protected at this terrible time. Sometimes all we can do is endure from one moment to the next.

    My thoughts are with you.

  22. oh Barb... I am crushed for you. I am crying and just wish I could make this better.

  23. Made my way over here via a fellow BLM blog. I am so sorry for your loss. Life is very unfair sometimes. Thinking of your little ones, George and Little Poppet, today.

  24. No.No.No ... I am so sorry and heartbroken for you both. Thinking of you and Ray and George and little Poppet.

    It's not fair.

  25. I am so sorry, Barb.

  26. Oh nooooooo!
    I am so sorry Barb ~ it's not fair.
    (hugs) for you and Ray.

  27. So sorry for your loss. Words are inadequate. Sending much love.

  28. I am so sorry. There's not really anything I can say except I'm heartbroken for you.

    Maddie x

  29. Oh Barb. This is the worst possible news to wake to. Sorry isn't enough. I wish I could take away all your pain.
    I will love and remember Little Poppet for the rest of my days. Resting peacefully with George.
    Love and hugs to both you and Ray. Crying in my cereal :(

  30. Oh Barb - I am so sorry for you and Ray. Little Poppet was such a rainbow in the dark for so many of us. I am so, so sorry and wish there was something, anything I could do to take away this pain. xxoo

  31. NO!! I am just so heartbroken for you, I don't even have the words except for ones of anger and injustice. I just DO NOT UNDERSTAND. And I am so, so, so sorry for you. Words are just not enough to describe. You and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers...I'm so very sorry.

  32. Oh Barb, I am so, so sorry for you and Ray. This is not fair and not right. Today is the one year anniversary of Isla's death. I hate June 30th. I want to fly across the pond and hug you and cry with you. Please know Tim and I are thinking of you both and sending you all our love. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  33. this is not fair.

    i am so sorry, barb.


  34. I am so very sory for you and your husband.

  35. Sweetie,

    You know you and Ray have been in my thoughts and my heart all day. I am destroyed right along with you by this- I know only too well where you and Ray must be right now. Wishing that all the love you have from all of us could make this not so. I am here to scream with you, to cry with you, to walk with you through this darkest of times. Love and strength and so much more from Alan and me to you and Ray. Pardon my indelicacy, but this fucking sucks.

  36. I am so sorry. I will be thinking of all of you.

  37. Oh, Barb. What sad, sad news. I'm so very sorry. Holding you and Ray and George and Little Poppet close in my heart and thoughts. Lots of hugs for you.

  38. This is the most heartbreaking news. I am so very, very sorry. x

  39. oh barb. I am so sorry. I understand. I too lost my rainbow. there are no words. it is so unfair. nancy

  40. Barb, I am so very sorry. This is so unfair and I'm devastated for you and Ray. Remembering both your babies and sending much love.

  41. Oh, no.I am sorry there are no words, I can't fathom the pain in your heart..

  42. I am a stranger to you - but also a BLM. I wanted to express my deepest sympathy to you for your losses. (((HUGS)))

  43. Oh! I am utterly devestated for you Barb and Ray.
    Please be gentle on yourself. xoxox

  44. Oh no, no, no . . . I am so sorry. Thinking of both of you ~

  45. I am so sorry that Little Poppet is lost. From the comments I understand that many tears are being shed for you and Ray and George and Poppet around the world on this day, and here also.

  46. Barbara. Life is just so unfair, Im so sorry your little Poppet died :( My heart is breaking for you.

  47. i'm screaming and crying with you. raging with the unfairness, and feeling so helpless so lost so sorry. i send you all my love and wrap my arms around you, wanting to hold and support you, for you are such a wonderful person.

    ines xxoo

  48. I just stumbled across your blog. Without reading anything else, or knowing anything else about you I can say that my heart hurts for you & Ray right now. I'm sorry that happened to you.

  49. Oh no, no, no, no. I am so sorry and I wish I had something better to say.

  50. I am so very sorry for the loss of your little poppet. Sending much love and healing thoughts your way.

  51. Barbara & Ray...Sending prayers your way. I am so deeply saddened with this news and pretty much speechless right now.


  52. I'm so, so sorry to read this. So much love to you both x

  53. Dear Barbara and Ray,
    I am so, so sorry and am thinking of you and your lost babies with love.- Martha

  54. Oh my gosh. You are effing kidding me. I am sick to my stomach and in tears for you. . . which I know can't begin to compare with what you must be feeling.

    I am so sorry honey. So, very, incredibly sorry for you and Ray both. Holding you in my thoughts. ((Hugs))

  55. Oh Barb!! I am so sorry. There aren't enough tears in all the world for you and Ray.

  56. ((HUGS)) I am so sorry. My heart and thoughts are with you. Please know that I care and will be praying for you.

  57. I am so very sorry!! No words can express how my heart is breaking for you and Ray. My tears are flowing with yours and those of everyone who has written. Just as George will forever be remembered, so will your precious Poppet. Keeping you and yours close in my thoughts and my heart. Love you.....

  58. I just found your blog from All the little ponies, I am so sorry. Your in my thoughts and prayers.

  59. I am so, soooo sorry. ((HUGS))

  60. So very sorry. Precious Poppet. So sorry Barb and Ray.

  61. oh barb... i am so sorry. i wanted so bad for your Poppet to be your earth baby. you and ray and your two babies are in my thoughts and prayers. my heart is aching with you. i don't understand why there are those of us who aren't allowed to hold our rainbows babies in our arms. ((hugs)).

  62. So heartbreaking. There are no words.


  63. I am so very sorry for your loss. (((HUGS)))

  64. I am so very sorry Barb. My heart is broken for you xx

  65. Here from non-geordie mum's blog - I am so very sorry for your loss.

  66. Here from LCFA. I'm so sorry for the loss of Little Poppet. I will never understand why the universe can sometimes be so cruel. Thinking of you and your family.

  67. It is physically hurting me to read this. It scares me to hell to know that it could happen to me as well.

    Oh Barb, this is horrible....I thought this was meant to be.

    Am so sorry.

  68. I am so sorry for another loss. I will scream for you and pray your day in the sun comes soon.

  69. Oh no no no :(
    I'm so so sorry, I hope you are keeping it together xx

  70. I am just seeing this now~am absolutely heart broken for you both. Thinking of you as always. xoxo

  71. Here from LFCA. I am so very sorry for the loss of your Poppet. I know that one loss compounds another and that sometimes it is so impossibly hard to keep going under all of its weight. I am so very sorry.

  72. I am so broken with your news. I imagine you were guarded after your loss of sweet George. I cannot begin to understand why this would happen again.

    We think we have paid the price and another bomb drops. I am so very sorry for your loss.

  73. Oh I am soooo sorry barbara heart aches that you would have this happen again. It is jus not fair ...I am sooo so sorry xxxx

  74. My heart is broken and my face is stained with tears. I am so very sorry. This just isn't fair and I'm so upset to hear this news. Big huge hug to you and Ray. Always thinking of you.
    ♥ Marian

  75. I am so, so sorry, Barb. Much love to you.

  76. Oh no. :'( I am so sorry. ((hug))

  77. I am so sorry! May God grant both you and your husband Peace!!

  78. here from LFCA. I'm so sorry to hear this ... know that there are so many people thinking about you right now and sending all of our love and support. It's not fair.

  79. Here from Woman Anyone's blog...I am so damned sorry. I remember the pain and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

  80. Here from LFCA and Wise Guy's blog, please know I'm thinking about you and sending you lots of love.

  81. Barb,

    There is nothing I can say. I am so, so sorry. I am sending you love and and enormous hug.


  82. oh, Barbara, it's just wrong. I am so sorry.

  83. oh Barbara, i am so very behind on blogs and did not hear the news. i am so very sorry for your loss. sending you all my love today. xo



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