Sunday 11 December 2011

Five good things

I solemnly promise to write a proper blog post soon. Really I will. Definitely. Maybe.

Taking my mum out for a "posh" cup of tea and seeing her delighted excitement when talking about our wedding.

Ray. Um, have I mentioned him before?

New twinkly fairy lights on the mantel.

Last Wednesday.

Sweet kitteh devotion.

Please join in: what good things found you last week?


  1. I was a pretty big fan of last Wednesday, too, coincidentally.

    Getting the forwarded exchange between you and the spambot, which totally turned my mood around.

    2 weeks of interviews down, one to go.

    Laughing at dinner with my favorite uncle.

    Sleep, and plenty of it.

    Twinkling lights all over the city.

  2. I'm so behind on comments, but have been reading along...with or without a "proper" blog post. I love reading your 5 good things.

    Recently loving: blankets, tea, getting snail mail, my husband sneakily creating something and i have yet to know what it is yet, and gray cloudy skies.

  3. Having a bit of a crappy week. Whether you post a proper blog post or not, seeing you pop up in my reader always brings a smile to my dial.

  4. Seeing my daughter's face when we gave her the saxophone she has been asking for, for months (we are hiring it).

    Cuddling my Mum's puppy dog.

    My hubby ordering items from Amazon and Play and asking me NOT to check my emails when the bills come through. Christmas pressies?!

    Having a plumber coming straight out when I called in tears last night to say that our boiler had died.

    Yummy (slightly too strong) cups of tea made by my son.



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