Tuesday 27 September 2011

Five good things

Pelargonium cuttings happily taking root despite the cooling weather

An afternoon out with Ray's sister.

Finding the book my Mum has been looking for in a charity shop for £1.

No insomnia for a whole week.

Good news from friends.

I'm a little bit late to be sure but if you're still out there please join in; what good things found you over the last week


  1. No insomnia this week is awesome. :)

    Oh let's see... I always find these difficult to come up with... thats kind of sad isn't it?

    1) I have been feeling inspired to make beady things... (which has not happened often since Jordan's loss. Makes me feel like my old self, just a little.

    2) School holidays have commenced which means no trekking home in the rain for at least two weeks.

    3) Jordan's irises are blooming... :) We got about 15 this year!

    4) I have "orders" for my beady creations, (that makes me feel pretty good.)

    5) aaaw, I am grasping here... but we found the remote today which has been missing all week... lol...

    Hope the insomnia stays at bay for you. x

  2. Yes, no insomnia sounds fantastic!

    1. Starting yoga last week and doing a double session tonight (hope that cures my insomnia).
    2. Wandering around the new Ikea today with a friend and our kids.
    3. Another warm spring day.
    4. Having time to myself to connect (at yoga).
    5. Sitting outside on a balmy(ish) evening looking at the faery solar light and thinking of Joseph (with a wee smile on my face).

    Thanks for prompting this. It was a struggle to find 5 good things, but I made it! x

  3. 1. Another post from you!
    2. Potentially good news about a job.
    3. A raise from my current job
    4. Time with friends & family tomorrow.
    5. An awesome husband who loves me no matter what.

  4. Got together with my sister for canning and crafting (and so glad we did despite the stomach bug K. brought home)

    Locally made, ginger scented soap

    Zinnias and dahlias still blooming and bright in my garden

    Getting rid of three bags of stuff that's been cluttering up my office.

    Having time to poke around the library and come home with a bag of books for me

  5. The fabric hunt- the most fun thing I have done in weeks.

    Taking photos that came out the way I envisioned them in my head.

    3 new library books.

    Finding a yoga stretch that works for my perpetually sore neck.

    Knowing Alan and I are in it together.

  6. Rain! Everyone here is complaining about it, but I have liked it. I love sleeping listening to the rain on the roof.
    Selling a few second hand nappies, making a little bit of pocket money.
    Simon's home made bread (I may well list that every week).
    Figuring out how to wrangle two kids on my own, and making it to the end of each day with my sanity in tact.
    Parcel deliveries! I heart shopping online :)



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