All of a sudden our happy loving kittehs hate each other.
Last night at around 1am we were woken by an unholy racket coming from the kitchen. Scuffling noises and then screaming kittehs.
We dashed into the kitchen thinking one of them was injured (or they were killing a burgler) and there they were, posturing, growling, screaming and all puffed up. Screaming! My little darlings were screaming at each other.
They are litter mates, both neutered and sleep together, groom each other, play together and dammit, they DO like each other! You've seen photographic evidence!
My theory is that our girl kitteh Lyx, while engaged in her usual night time hobby of trying to escape from the (reinforced portcullis) cat flap, and was surprised by Sketch, our boy kitteh. Ensuing freakiness, staring, puffed upiness, growling posturing and yelling. Just a theory.
Anyway. After consulting Dr Google we are becoming feline psychologists and we WILL sort these silly kittehs out. The cats have been separated for much of the day and we are trying a "parenting" technique. Hissing at the cats for being mean and then "scruffing" them. Which means gently pushing them down by the scruff of the neck until they "submit" or roll over and relax. The posturing has stopped but the freaky nervous growly behaviour hasn't.
These two are
my therapy cats. They came to us just before George's due date last year and have sat beside me and listened to me snivel and weep without judgement for over a year. It breaks my heart that they suddenly can't tolerate to be next to each other.
If any of you kitteh lovers out there can offer any other advice it would be much appreciated.