Friday 31 October 2008


I have to say that as marvelous, kind and caring as everyone at Torbay hospital has been, I'm really rather sick of seeing that place.

I was rushed to emergency on tuesday after I started to bleed horribly heavily and two nights, three days, one surgery, two units of blood, two bruised arms with three bloody huge venflon cannulas, countless blood tests, several doses of morphine and a sack full of prescription medication later I was set free.

I am once again anemic and suitably pale for halloween. I have antibiotics which are making me sick, I feel decidedly weak and woozy and bloody hell, I can't wait to feel normal again.

I feel as if I've been hit by a truck, dragged through a hedge backward and probably look like something the cat dragged in. BUT (and not to brag, it just bowls me over every single day how lucky I am) I feel great because I have the BESTEST guy in the whole world who would walk for an hour in the rain in the middle of the night after he took a sleeping pill because he couldn't sleep without me to get back to the hospital just to be there to hold my hand when I woke up from the emergency surgery. Wow.

Tomorrow will be a tough day when we bury our little George but I think we've chosen a nice way to say goodbye and I'm sort of looking forward to it. I'm taking my camera so I'll show you the view from a tiny spot where the grass will grow greener next year.

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